Thursday, May 21, 2009


I happened to catch this segment of the Today Show...and thought it quite interesting...Denver was named America's No. 1 city on the verge of recovery from the real-estate slump in a segment Tuesday on NBC's "Today" show.

If you have not seen this video is well worth watching!

Here is a recap too (from the Denver Business Journal):

Real estate expert Barbara Corcoran, a regular guest on the show, said Denver more than any other U.S. city is "clearly on a rebound."
"It's really the perfect real estate success story," she said. "It had one of the highest foreclosure rates in the nation for years running, and now they've cut that foreclosure rate in half and they've turned the corner."
Denver, Corcoran said, has "a vibrant downtown, it has a high employment base, it has educated people, it has youth, [and] it has one of the biggest park systems in the country. "Everything about Denver is pointing up, up up," she added.
Rounding out Corcoran's list of cities poised for a real-estate rebound:
§ 2. Raleigh, N.C.
§ 3. Austin, Texas
§ 4. Seattle
§ 5. San Francisco

Corcoran said she included cities on her list on the basis of eight factors:
§ Job growth potential;
§ A growing population;
§ Good weather;
§ Lots of first-time buyers;
§ No overbuilding;
§ A vital downtown;
§ A well educated population; and
§ Foreclosures earlier than other cities.

Thought I'd share a bit of the GOOD news too!

Think of Buying or Selling? Just give me a call, happy to assist you.

Make Life Happen!


Leigh Bramer
Broker Associate
(SEARCH COLORADAO HOMES AT ) www.BramerRealEstate.Com

1 comment:

Unknown said...

WOW look at Denver from a horrible down market to now be called the best place to buy real estate. So aside from being just downright wonderful, beautiful and green it is the place to buy. So where do you suggest I start?